After finally getting to meet the man himself last year, we wanted to get a slice of his creativity, embellished on something that can be worn, cherished and past across or down from generation to generation. The man knows more about Australian flora than most and he hasn't even been here...yet. Watch this space and enjoy this creation for now.
This curious design is based upon the meme-able plant Crotalaria cunninghamii. Also known by the common name of parrot pea, green bird flower etc etc etc. It is native to Australia and blooms the green flowers from January to April. It is a plant that has had some interesting attention on social media lately. Due to its resemblance to a bird, most people think this is a miracle. To a botanist however, this is a pretty normal Fabaceae flower/fruit structure. It is an interesting and beautiful plant. Starting with a mutual fondness for bandannas and plants, Jonathan used our store’s colour scheme as the palette and their location as the design inspiration. Crotalaria flowers and leaves, with symbolic rings of collaboration and commitment. Funky, cool green and orange colour scheme that works all year everyday. We hope all our customers will enjoy this design and its unique Aussie twist on the bandanna.
Size: 70cm x 70cm
Made in Japan